Franchise Business Plan Franchising offers a unique and highly advantageous business opportunity for potential franchisors and franchisees alike. Those looking to franchise their business benefit from sharing in the cost of expansion. Franchisees, on the other hand, benefit from starting a ready-made business with a proven product or service and systems. There are franchise opportunities that may even be appropriate to qualify for E2, L1, or EB5 visas. These plans may be written from two perspectives: 1. Franchise owner masterplan 2. Franchisee business plan. In the case of a business looking to expand by offering franchise opportunities, a masterplan will serve as the roadmap for the franchise model. This can serve two purposes; to acquire funding to for all the aspects required to develop the franchise model or to appeal to potential franchisees. The potential franchisee will often need a version of the masterplan that has been specifically adapted for them. While many aspects such as the background, purpose of the business, and marketing will likely remain the same, other key areas such as financial projections and market analysis will need to be adapted to their specific location. Smirnova Business Consulting’s experts are well-versed in creating engaging, professional business plans for both perspectives. Each business plan is be written to appeal to the appropriate audience. The first step to making your franchise dreams a reality is to contact us TODAY! Franchise Business Plan Details View Franchise Business Plan Sample Days until first Draft:15-20days Number of pages: 30 – 60 pages Content: Executive Summary Company Background and Objectives Product & Services Present Market Competition Management & Organization Marketing Plan Financial Plan and Data Financial Projections (3-5 years) SCHEDULE A CALL Name*Business NameEmail Address* Phone NumberWhat type of Services do you need?*Please Make a SelectionInvestor / Venture Capital Business PlansSBA/Bank Loan Business PlansVisa Immigration (E2/ EB5 / L1)Franchise Business PlansNon-Profit/Charity PlansPitch DecksMarket ResearchCustom Website DevelopmentTemplated Website DevelopmentSEO (Search Engine Optimization)PPC (Pay Per Click)Social Media AdvertisingMessageNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.